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Welcome to
LIVE Box Dent

The new learning experience for dentists

ホーム: ようこそ!

Explain real clinical points with LIVE Surgery

Experience real clinical LIVE surgery with your online devise



During the LIVE surgery, all the questions will be reviewed and will be answered as much as possible throughout the earpods attached to the operator.

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In the LIVE Box, we can share all essentials tips that can apply to your clinical practice including not only the detailed skills but also the practice management.

From various perspectives

LIVE images will be delivered from different angles including fixed-light lamp fixed camera, operator's eye-view camera, caregiver's eye-view camera, positioning-aware camera, etc.
Each participating teacher can freely select the view they want.

ホーム: 特徴
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Pre-operative patient data sharing

Before the live surgery, we share the patient clinical data throughout the registered attendants' email address except for patients' personal information.

​By doing so, plan how you treat these particular patients right before LIVE surgery.


From the professional

We will have various dental specialists offering LIVE treatment and lectures.
This experience will be a great asset to your dental skills and your business.


After the surgery, there will be feedback time with literature review.

All attendants will have a time to discuss the cases while looking back on the video delivered on LIVE.​

ホーム: 特徴
アンカー 1



I am Hiroaki Goto, the representative of LIVE Box.
We believe that sharing more realistic cases is an effective learning method.
We hope that you can have a detailed discussion with everyone through LIVE Box.

Japanese Society of Periodontology, Periodontist

 Hiroaki Goto

第4回 LIVE BOX seminar 3D printing 模型を使用したプレオペ動画

参加登録頂きました先生方全員に3D printing 模型をご送付致します。


No upcoming events at the moment

s​※Salon メンバー限定クーポンを発行しております。
​   参加登録後の変更はできませんので,登録前に必ずご確認下さい。

ホーム: Events List
ホーム: スケジュール


  • Dec 06, 2022, 8:00 PM
    今回の症例は、8年前に矯正治療を行い、その後下顎前歯部に1歯に限局した歯肉退縮が生じたケースです。トンネンリングテクニック:The modified coronally advanced tunnel(MCAT) techniqueにより,歯肉退縮へのアプローチを計画しおります。
  • Feb 20, 2022, 2:00 PM
    【術 前】 ニューヨーク大学で米国歯内療法専門医を教育している現役准教授が 歯根端切除術の予後判定に必要な知識を徹底解説! 【LIVE Surgery中】 ✓リアルタイムで質疑応答 ✓視野を自由に選択 参加者全員に口腔内を再現した3Dprinting 模型をプレゼント 模型が触りながら手術を見学 振り返り動画を見ながら,模型で練習
  • Jun 27, 2021, 10:00 AM
    今回LIVE BOXは,5年前に入れたインプラントの周囲粘膜組織欠如により,食べ物が詰まったり,ブラッシングによる不快感を主訴として来院されました。 口蓋部より遊離歯肉を採取し移植を行う予定です。 *患者様の口腔内を再現した3D printing模型をお送りいたします。Live Ope見学時やその後の練習にご活用ください。
  • Feb 07, 2021, 10:00 AM
    ウェビナー × LIVE Surgery × 3D printing 模型 自宅にいながら究極の疑似体験を! 先着30名様に、患者の口腔内を再現した3D printing模型を無料送付。 模型をご希望の方は3D printing 模型付のみを選択してください。 後日、振り返り配信も予定しております。
  • Oct 04, 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM GMT+9
    Intraoral photography What do specialists see through the viewfinder?
    What are specialists looking through the viewfinder?
  • Sep 27, 2020, 10:00 AM GMT+9
    LIVE Surgery
    The Japanese Society of Periodontology will deliver LIVE surgery online by a periodontal specialist. We will inform you of the details as soon as the recruitment of patients is completed.










Schedule on Zoom

Live Box schedule

Before the LIVE Box 

Teachers who participate will be able to dramatically improve the learning effect by making treatment plans and selecting surgical procedures from the materials delivered in advance.

​Treatment planning


Patient induction

Patient guidance, procedural explanation, informed consent


​​LIVE Box

LIVE Box by a specialist.
Q&A in real time.
Delivery from various perspectives.


Post-operative explanation

Feedback of treatment contents to patients

​Explanation of post-operative notes



Question-and-answer session.
Discussing questions that could not be dealt with in real time using recorded videos. In addition, we will perform literature searches such as diagnosis and surgical method selection.


LIVE Box is held with the cooperation of patients.
We are also making maximum efforts to protect the personal information of patients.
It is strictly forbidden to take videos or take screenshots during LIVE.
Thank you for your understanding.

Contact us

Fuchu Enlight Dental Clinic

〒183-0055 1-6-1, Fuchu-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 2F

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